Monday 6 September 2010

Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev

I know this is going to sounds awfully, awfully pretentious. I also know that this is a bit late, considering the Bolshoi left London over a month ago. But I am so, so very glad I was able to see Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev dance.

I am so grateful to my parents, for buying the tickets for me, because I certainly could not have afforded to see them otherwise. There are no words to describe how fantastic they are. A lot has been said about both their jumps and it is all true. She seems to simply pause mid-air. His jumps are so high and embellished by scissor-kicks and the like.
The Royal Opera House just went MAD over them. So many times when they jumped or performed lifts, the entire house collectively held their breaths and screamed. There were, I think, about 5 curtain calls, and during one of them Vasiliev appeared jumping through the curtains. Osipova seemed abashed at all the applause and flowers, but Vasiliev could not get enough of it.

It was just incredible and I am never going to forget it! The entire ballet was wonderful, but the two of them were just fantastic. I do hope to see them dance again one day, but I am so glad I got to see it this time!

Thank you :)